Reds Eat

When a Communist goes to work on you tell him that you are on to him and his dirty game. Tell him, further, that you think it your patriotic duty to make his activities known to others and to the police.

Tip o’ the hat to Steve M for the title of this post!

6 responses to “Reds Eat

  1. I kinda wish the title of this post had been “Reds Eat”.

  2. Brilliant!

  3. What’s the date on that advertisement?

  4. Yeoman, it appears to be from the early ’50s — The head of the company was a staunch anti-Communist, as you can see.

  5. I had a case involving one of their bearings once (it wasn’t their fault in any fashion).

    If I recall correctly, and I may be in error, they’re owned by an overseas entity now.

  6. You mean the likes of Donald Trump and his family henchmen and followers.
    This qanon is probably something someone drew up to conflict with Quran and make distractions. Evil is exactly like that.
    If they dont pay now they will later. That’s a promise given by Jesus Christ because His Father will not be mocked. And it goes for all the false prophets and preachers as well

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